Pay $4.99 monthly for unlimited access to all our content OR pay an $8.99 one-time fee for 48-hour access. All proceeds go towards fighting human trafficking.

Looking for the best family-friendly & purposeful movies, TV shows, and entertainment from around the world?

After Eden+ presents content with a purpose to help make the world a better place by transforming culture through uplifting entertainment. You will find it all on After Eden+: excellent movies, documentaries, podcasts, and special supporting resources for each show. With the mobile app, you get After Eden+ while you travel, commute, or relax.

What you will love about After Eden+

• We frequently add TV shows and movies with a purpose. Browse new titles or search for favorites and stream videos right on your device.

• Enjoy additional content and resources with each video for the most unique engagement.

• Enjoy a safe entertainment experience for the whole family. Kids will love the shows and additional content.

• Get notifications and easy previews on all our content.

After Eden+ is a membership and month-to-month subscription that begins at sign-up, you can easily cancel anytime, online, 24 hours a day. There are no long-term contracts or cancellation fees. We want you to love and enjoy what you watch.